a proud part of the BoscoCatholic Education Trust

Local Offer

Frequently Asked Questions

Identifying Individuals' Needs

The school assesses children’s academic progress term formally and closely monitors those who are not making the expected progress. Meetings are held between teachers and Senior Leadership to discuss why this might be and decisions are made about what can be done to support any needs identified. Teachers discuss appropriate interventions with parents during termly consultations or during additionally arranged meetings.

A lack of progress can lead to:

  • Observations being made in the classroom by the SENCo
  • Standardised assessments carried out by the SEN team
  • Scrutiny of children’s work
  • Advice being sought from outside agencies such as the Child Development Team, Educational Psychology Team, Speech and Language Therapy Service

Any concerns raised by parents are also investigated using the above actions.

Concerns about progress should first be raised with the class teacher. Concerns about emotional wellbeing can also be raised with the head, Deputy or SENCo. We will discuss with you how these concerns can be addressed, and an action plan will be agreed. We will then arrange a further meeting to review progress and make any adjustments to the plan.

School Staff Support

We aim to provide quality first-class education for all the children in our care irrespective of whether they have needs or not. To do this, we ensure that we invest in staff training and resources on a regular basis.

The teacher and SENCo will plan an appropriate programme of intervention after discussion with parents and children and sometimes, outside agencies. The SENCo timetables the support, liaising with any professionals and other staff working with the child.

Higher level teaching assistants, and teaching assistants work with individual children or with groups of children. All staff that work with children are trained in running the interventions offered. Professionals from outside agencies will also work occasionally with individual children.

Class teachers are the first point of contact for parents but the SENCo also offers meetings with parents of children with Special Educational Needs. Regular meetings can also be arranged by the SENCo in order to work with parents when completing referrals and planning programmes of support.

The school has 1 SEN governor. Governor oversees the SEN policy and provision and reports termly to the Full Governing body. There is a close liaison with the SENCo, and visits are made to the school where the needs of the children / school are discussed and monitoring of provision takes place.

There is close scrutiny of the progress of children with SEN every term. Progress is measured against the school’s expectations, the rest of the school cohort and the progress locally and nationally. Children are also assessed using published standardised tests before an intervention is started and then at the end of the intervention to measure impact.

The Curriculum

Through observations, assessments and discussions with children and parents, the children’s individual needs are identified, and appropriate support is put in place within the classroom.

Lessons are routinely differentiated to match the pupils’ needs in the class. Children are given support through specialised resources, adult, and peer support and through differentiated tasks. Provision is monitored on a termly basis through lesson observations carried out by the Senior Leadership Team.

Monitoring Progress & Home Support

Parent/teacher consultations are held once a term where discussion takes place on the progress of the children against national expectations, or their own personal targets identified in individual subject books. The SENCo also holds consultations that run alongside the parent/teacher consultations. Extra communication or meetings are always available on request and if necessary outside professionals are invited to contribute to the child’s provision.

Assessment within the classroom is a continuous process and involves observations of the child at work, self or peer assessment and full application of the marking scheme. The SEN team uses checklists and standardised assessments to monitor how individual pupils are progressing. Staff running interventions keep notes on what is going well and areas for further development which are fed back to teaching staff and the SENCo.

The class teacher and SENCo will explain the progress the children are making against the targets set for them and indicate whether this reaches the expectations appropriate to individual needs. Annual reports also outline whether a child is working above, below or in line with national expectations.

Teachers will set up suitable communication systems so parents can keep in contact and receive regular updates from the school. This can take the form of weekly meetings, communication books or e-mail contact. The SENCo is also happy to contribute to these communication systems.

Staff have been trained in holding structured meetings where needs and support are discussed and agreed with parents. An ILP (Individual Learning Plan) is designed for your child, along with the Provision map highlighting how their needs will be met in class and what targets your child will be working towards. The ILP will also identify ways you can help at home.

Termly meetings are held with class teachers and the parents are kept involved and updated through the communication opportunities mentioned above. Parents are asked for their opinions and support when planning special events such as school trips and residentials to ensure full inclusion of all children.

We offer parent workshops in understanding and supporting children with Special Educational Needs, responding to the needs of our community.

Support for Wellbeing

We have two trained Learning Mentors whose role is to support children who may be experiencing emotional or behavioural difficulties that cause a barrier to learning. They also manage and lead a Social skills Group which supports children with friendship needs. The SENCo can refer children to outside agencies to offer wider support. Every child with a medical issue has a Health Care Plan or an Intimate Care Plan that is created in partnership with parents.

All support staff are trained as First Aiders and all staff have received training in the use of epi-pens. If a child’s needs require special or specialist care, we ensure that a member of staff is trained, and an appropriate plan is put in place with the support of the parents. We have a managing Medicines policy which outlines how the school ensures appropriate care is given.

The Learning Mentors and Social skills group support children with behavioural, social and emotional needs. Some children may have an Individual Behaviour Plan or flow chart which aims to allow them to understand and manage their own behaviour. Good attendance is rewarded termly with a wrist band and certificate. We work closely with the Education Welfare Officer to ensure poor attendance is quickly improved and support is offered through referrals to outside agencies if appropriate. The school has a clear Behaviour and Anti-bullying policy that all the staff adhere to and that aims to promote positive behaviour

Children regularly set their own class targets with the support of their teachers. Those with ILPs are also able to record their views commenting on how they learn best and how they like to be supported e.g., individually, by their peers, with visual clues, in a quiet space. In addition, we have a school council where council members can bring views from their classes to be discussed. We also use questionnaires to find out how the children feel about all aspects of school.

Specialist Services & Expertise

We have two trained Learning Mentors who work with children according to need. We have TAs trained in delivering Speech and Language Programmes and we have a member of staff who has undergone training in running draw and talk therapy.

The school has had access to and worked with a number of organisations and services including:

  • Special Needs Team
  • Education Services
  • Educational Psychology
  • Speech and Language Therapists
  • Inclusion Support and Social Communication Team
  • Educational Welfare Service
  • Looked After Children Education Service
  • Social Services
  • Child Development Team
  • School Nurse
  • Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)
  • Occupational Health
  • Family and Children’s Service
  • Play Therapy
  • Children and Young People’s planning forum
  • Children and Family Centres
  • Links College
  • Think Family
  • The Early Intervention Team
  • Ethnic Minorities Achievement Team (EMAT)

Access to these services varies and there can often be a waiting list.

  • Teaching Assistants (TAs) have been trained in a range of interventions including Jump Ahead, Read, Write, Inc, Fresh Start.
  • Three TAs have been trained in 1stClass@Number 1 and 2.
  • One TA has recently been trained in 1stClass@Writing.
  • Our Learning Mentors continue to receive training through our locality group and have received Nurture Group training from the Nurture Group Network’.
  • All TAs have received training in understanding and supporting children with Autism.
  • The Headteacher and SENCo have been involved in the briefings and information meetings held by the local authority regarding the new legislation for special educational needs.
  • A number of staff are trained in the Teamteach Approach to managing behaviour.
  • The Headteacher trains in safeguarding every 2 years and the rest of the staff every 3 years.
  • Some members of staff have received training in English as an additional language.

Extra-Curricular Inclusion

We make every effort to ensure that all children can take part in all activities organised by the school. Parents are always consulted about the suitability of an activity if there is any doubt and we work together to create a plan and personalised risk assessment to ensure success. Parents are given the option to take part in the activities themselves if it will help support their child.

School Site Accessibility

The Early years and Key stage 1 and most of KS2 are accessible by wheelchair and includes ramps, a lift and 2 Disabled toilets. This is explained further in our accessibility policy.

All classrooms are fitted with interactive whiteboards and speakers along with wi-fi. All classes have access to iPad. The hall is equipped with a PA system, projector, and internet access.

The school has two disabled toilets. A Hygiene Room has also been built to accommodate a hoist and an adjustable bed.

The school liaises regularly with the English as an Additional Language Team (EMAT) to gain advice. We also use our local community to support with communication. We create letters to parents in their first language to support our EAL families.

Preparing for Change

A Teddy Bears picnic is arranged for all new children and their parents in the June of their starting year. This provides them with the opportunity to meet with class teachers, teaching assistants and their peers. Children are also invited to spend time in their new class before starting the school. Extra sessions can be arranged, should we feel this is necessary, to enable a child to meet and connect with staff who may be involved in their care. Staff from the school will also visit nurseries or pre-school settings to meet the children and staff who have been working with them. Meetings can also be held with the SENCo and teacher to discuss how to make a smooth transition. Transition TACs are held with all professional involved in order that information is shared. Information meetings are held for parents to express their views and ask any questions they may have.

The school works with Transition Mentors from the local secondary schools to prepare children for this change. This involves the Transition Mentors visiting the Year 6 class and working with the children, meeting with teachers, attending meetings related to children with special educational needs who will be joining their school and arranging visits to the school they will be moving to. Extra visits can be arranged with staff accompanying a child to their new school to help them get used to the new environment. We also pass on each child’s special educational needs file which includes the child’s needs and history of support.

Our local secondary schools have a detailed transition form which we complete outlining the needs of the child, the support they have received and our recommendations for support they might need in their new school. We invite Transition Mentors and special educational needs staff from the secondary schools to attend important meetings related to individual children in Year 6 so that they are best able to prepare for the transition.

Allocation of Resources

We employ a range of support staff to ensure that we meet the needs of our children. Funding may be used to train staff if a child has specialist needs or requires specialist equipment or resources. Funding for individual children, such as those who currently have a Statement of special educational needs, is allocated specifically to those children. We aim to ensure that the children have access to appropriate assessments, resources, time and staff.

Following observations, assessments and discussions, decisions are made based on the recommendations of outside professionals where appropriate and on the views of the child, teachers, SENCo and parents. Once these views are gathered, the SENCo will plan a programme of intervention and share this with parents. Regular meeting opportunities between teacher / SENCo and parents allow for regular reviews and adjustments to the plan.

The school carries out standardised testing or other relevant assessments before beginning a programme of intervention. Further assessment is then repeated every term to monitor the impact of the intervention. Consultation meetings with parents, teachers, children and SENCo ensure that targets are reviewed regularly.

Parental Involvement

Parents are invited to termly meetings in order to maintain a regular dialogue. More up-to-date communication can also be managed using communication books, home/school diaries or e-mail.  We have a parent council which meets regularly to discuss parent views and identify opportunities for development within the school.  Parent views are also established through yearly questionnaires. We have a parent-teacher-friends association which welcomes those who are keen to take an active part in supporting the school.

Further Information

Your child’s class teacher would always be your first point of contact if you wish to discuss any concerns you may have. Appointments can be made by letter, e-mail or via the school office. The Headteacher and SENCo are also available to discuss more sensitive issues and to support you in communicating with other professionals.

Your child will meet many adults in school, all of whom have the welfare of the child at the heart of their work. We aim to ensure that all adults have appropriate knowledge of all children in order to be able to support them appropriately in all situations. Appointments can be made to see the Headteacher and SENCO if concerns go beyond the classroom and both would be happy to meet with you.

Contact should be with the Headteacher, via the school office.

The SENCo is Holly Seymour, and you can contact her via the school office. The SENCo is available on 01444 452584 should you wish to meet with her.

The school has access to many local services as mentioned above. The Parent Partnership service will provide impartial advice and information and will help you communicate with the school and local authority where necessary. Contact details:

Email: parent.partnership@westsussex.gov.uk

Helpline: 0845 075 1008 – Monday to Friday during office hours


Oriel Lodge
West Street
West Sussex
PO19 1RZ

West Sussex County Council also has information about children with disabilities and special educational needs. Their website is www.westsussex.gov.uk